What Information Will You Need To Think
About When Making Postsecondary Education Plans?
Career interests |
- Education or training required
- Availability of jobs
- Qualifications
Postsecondary education options |
- Two or four year college
- Public or private college
- Technical School
- Military service
- Internship or apprenticeship program
Finances |
- Cost of college or schools
- Cost of living, clothing, books, food, recreation, transportation
- Financial resources that student and family have and can apply towards college
- Your own financial resources
- Savings
- Summer earnings from job
- School year earnings from job
- Family financial resources
- Scholarship
- Work-study program
- Loans
- Grants
- Outside agency resources
- RI Office of Rehabilitation Services may offer some financial assistance but they are
currently on an Order of Selection status which means that only individuals with
moderate-severe disabilities may receive assistance
Geographic Location and Living Arrangements |
- Live at home
- Live in college dormitory
- Live with other family members
- Live in off-campus housing or apartment
Learning Needs |
- Learning strengths
- Learning weaknesses
- How your disability impacts your energy level, the amount of time that you will need to
studyand attend class, work, for family obligations, etc.
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